Friday 20 September 2013

Module 3

I really like Google Docs - I remember dreaming of something like this when I was doing group work for my Dip Ed!  I played around with it and shared 2 links with my homeroom class.  One was a drawing to come up with a class artwork.  As happens, everyone was soon overwriting each other's work, with little left at the end.  I'll have to rethink this approach!

The other use of Google Drive was with a form.  This was great.  A couple of questions on holiday plans generated a spreadsheet full of answers.  I could really use this in the classroom as a way of collecting results, opinions, information.

In the background I've been working away at Twitter.  I think I'm warming to it, particularly as a way of accessing a lot of new online resources.  I've downloaded Tweetdeck and set up columns to follow #scichat, #teachwithtwitter, #ceomweb2, #ceoelearn.  There seems to be interesting snippets arriving each day...lots to play with.  I haven't figured out quite how I'd use it in the classroom yet.

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