Friday 20 September 2013

Module 4

Animoto was great fun - I've pointed my students at this, it really lifts a slide show!

I really like the idea of podcasts.  My philosophy is to have them no more than 2-3 minutes long so they fit on a playlist like a song.  I've made them myself as summaries of work covered for revision.  I've also allocated 2 paragraph sections of a chapter to my class and had each of them make a 30 sec audio clip which we've spliced together and shared.  I really like the idea that they can be listening whilst on the bus, or anywhere just like music.

It's amazing how often I hear "if you want to learn anything, just look on Youtube".  As a resource collection for teachers it's unsurpassed.  I've been using Youtube for a little while and I just think there's so much you can do with video - screencasts to cover theory and tease apart tricky concepts, "celebrity" videos to showcase student achievements, and videos to see the world with the eyes of the scientist.  Youtube is so great for making sharing easy - no need to worry about file formats and compatability, just send or embed a link and it just plays wherever you want.  Because they're so accessible, Youtube videos can have a life beyond just your classroom and extend your reach as an educator.

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