Friday 20 September 2013

Module 5

A friend of mine introduced me to mind mapping with Freemind. reminds me of that, with the advantage of being online.  Below is my experiment with, embedding a mindmap of this course that will grow as I progress through the modules (as well as zooming, you can click and drag the map to move it around).

Mind maps are a great way of brainstorming with structure.  I used Freemind in teaching Environmental Science building out from question "How to save the planet?" as we covered various topics over a number of weeks.  In that same class I had students make Glogs using at least 5 ideas from our shared mindmap.  They had a lot of fun making them and we rearranged the tables so the room became more like a design studio!

I also think that Prezis are amazing - although I think you have to use them selectively.  All that zooming can lead to motion sickness!  I've used them mainly to give overviews of a course or topic, such as introducing Year 10 Biology

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